Aleksey Generozov

The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Citizenship: US
PhD completed: June 2018
📧 al.generozov AT

Personal website

Employment history

Zuckerman Scholar, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

Postdoc, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Advisor: Hagai Perets.

Postdoc, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO. Advisor: Ann-Marie Madigan.


PhD Astronomy, Columbia University, New York, NY. Advisor: Brian Metzger.
Thesis: Stellar and Gas Dynamics in Galactic Nuclei.

BS Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA.

Refereed Publications (1st author: 12, 2nd author: 4, *=Advised student)

  1. A Triple Scenario for the Formation of Wide Black Hole Binaries Such As Gaia BH1
    A. Generozov, H Perets, 2023, ApJ, 964, 83

  2. Capture of stars into gaseous discs around massive black holes: alignment, circularization, and growth
    A. Generozov, H Perets, 2023, MNRAS, 522, 1763

  3. Binary formation through gas-assisted capture and the implications for stellar, planetary and compact-object evolution
    M. Rozner, A. Generozov, H. Perets, 2023, MNRAS, 521, 866

  4. Constraints on the origins of hypervelocity stars: velocity distribution, mergers, and star formation history
    A. Generozov, H Perets, 2022, MNRAS, 513, 4257

  5. Forming Young and Hypervelocity Stars in the Galactic Centre via Tidal Disruption of a Molecular Cloud
    A. Generozov, S. Nayakshin, A.-M. Madigan, 2022, MNRAS, 512, 4100

  6. A Lopsided Outer Solar System
    A. Zderic, M. Tiongco, A. Collier, H. Wernke, A. Generozov, A.-M. Madigan, 2021, AJ, 162, 278
    Appendix A; Validation of precession rate calculation.

  7. Galactic merger implications for eccentric nuclear disks: a mechanism for disk alignment
    A. Rodriguez*, A. Generozov, A.-M. Madigan, 2021, MNRAS, 503, 2713

  8. Mass ratio, the hills mechanism, and the galactic centre S-stars
    A. Generozov, 2021, MNRAS, 501, 3088

  9. A Stream of Hypervelocity Stars from the Galactic Center
    A. Generozov, 2020, ApJ, 904, 118

  10. The Hills Mechanism and the Galactic Center S-Stars
    A. Generozov, A.-M. Madigan, 2020, ApJ, 896, 137

  11. Mass Segregation in Eccentric Nuclear Disks: Enhanced Tidal Disruption Event Rates for High-mass Stars
    H. Foote*, A. Generozov, A.-M. Madigan, 2020, ApJ, 890, 175

  12. Implications from Late-Time X-ray Detections of Optically Selected Tidal Disruption Events: State Changes, Unification, and Detection Rates
    P.G. Jonker, N.C. Stone, A. Generozov, S. van Velzen, B.D. Metzger, 2020, ApJ, 889, 166
    Contribution: Section 3.3.

  13. A generalized Bondi accretion model for the galactic centre
    A. Yalinewich, R. Sari, A. Generozov, N.C. Stone, B.D. Metzger, 2018, MNRAS, 479, 4778
    Contribution: Idea for paper; validation of steady-state solutions with hydro code from Generozov et al. 2015.

  14. An overabundance of X-ray binaries in the galactic center from tidal captures
    A. Generozov, N.C. Stone, B.D. Metzger, J.P. Ostriker, 2018, MNRAS, 478, 4030

  15. The delay time distribution of tidal disruption flares
    N.C. Stone, A. Generozov, E. Vasiliev, B.D. Metzger, 2017, MNRAS, 480, 5060
    Contribution: Section 2.2.

  16. The influence of circumnuclear environment on the radio emission from TDE jets
    A. Generozov, P. Mimica, B.D. Metzger, N.C. Stone, D. Giannios, and M.A. Aloy, 2017, MNRAS, 464, 2481

  17. Circumnuclear media of quiescent supermassive black holes
    A. Generozov, N.C. Stone and B.D. Metzger, 2015, MNRAS, 453, 775

  18. Lyman edges in supermassive black hole binaries
    A. Generozov and Z. Haiman, 2014, MNRAS, 443, L64

  19. Physical properties of the inner shocks in hot, tilted black hole accretion flows
    A. Generozov, O. Blaes, P. Fragile, and K. Henisey, 2014, ApJ, 780, 81

Selected talks

Formation and evolution of young stars in the Galactic Center

Going local: the Galactic center as a case study of binaries in a galactic nucleus

The Hills mechanism and the Galactic center S-stars

Mass segregation and TDEs in eccentric nuclear disks

Formation of X-ray binaries in the Galactic center via tidal capture

Radio emission from TDE jets


Guest Lecturer, CU Boulder.
"Origin and Evolution of Planetary Systems."

Instructor for Intro Astronomy Lab, Columbia University.


Northern Colorado Astronomical Society outreach lecture.
"A Tour of the Galactic Center."

Volunteer for PISEC at CU Boulder.
Interactive activities with high schools and elementary schools.

Columbia astronomy outreach.
Volunteer for public outreach nights, sidewalk astronomy, and family astro.

Volunteer for "Kids' Week" at the Intrepid Air and Space Museum.
Showed a demo at this event.

Columbia astronomy outreach lecture.
"On the Care and Feeding of Black Holes."

Volunteer for Girls Science Day.
Showed physics demos to middle school girls.

Volunteer for Saturday Science Starters.
Showed physics demos to middle school children.

Academic service

Session chair.
AAS DDA meeting.

Peer reviewer.

Organizer for dynamics "special topics" meeting at CU Boulder.

Reviewer for an international research grants council.

Organizer for CU Boulder journal club.

Mentor for Columbia astronomy undergraduate mentoring program.

Mentor for Columbia astronomy graduate mentoring program.

Organizer of Columbia astro-ph coffee.

Student representative on Columbia astronomy graduate admissions committee.


Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholar

UCSB Academic Excellence Award, highest academic honors.

Barry M Goldwater Scholar.

UCSB Regents Scholar.


Alexander Rodriguez, Undergraduate, University of Colorado Boulder. (Co-advised with Ann-Marie Madigan)

Hayden Foote, Undergraduate, University of Colorado Boulder. (Co-advised with Ann-Marie Madigan)


zams_tidal_coupling:Tidal coupling constants for zero age main sequence stars. Available at